Decorative Handmade Pots

This season, we are adding a new offering from our farm. Handmade decorative pots with succulents…These will be on premises farm sales only. Jade and Tephrocactus articulatus (Paper Spine Cactus) planted in pots made of Oui yogurt glass jar.

Downy Woodpecker

Downy woodpeckers are the smallest of the woodpeckers found in North America. They are omnipresent on our farm, though we have yet to find if it’s actually nesting in the farm woodlot. Woodpeckers are known to be big eaters of insects and work tirelessly foraging for insects all around. We think they are a boon…

New Year, New Dreams

Year 2021 was a year of reflection, year of building back from the setback of the year 2020. In the year 2020, due to travel restrictions, I was stranded out of the country for almost half of the year. Lost all the bees and vegetable production remained zero in 2020. However, as they say, every…