Why we do farming

Seeder 2

Why not? John F Kennedy once said, to quote “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them”. How true are the words. We talked all the time to save the planet and blamed all the evil to the chemical laced farm produce, genetically modified food, shrinking forests, dying species. We got agitated to the news of failing crops and shrinking population of bees. We took pride in the passionate debates and donated to world wildlife fund (WWF)! We shopped for organic produce in the super markets and cursed the prices.

So, there comes a time in every ones life, when you wake up one day and question – are you doing enough to make a difference in the world? World may be too large for you to comprehend, are you doing enough to make your neighborhood a better place to live? Voila! And you get your epiphany moment. We decided to change course and strive to set up a model self sustainable farm, an eco-system where we can live with nature in harmony fulfilling the basic food needs of self and communities around. Provide a model for safe environment for the future generations to come and admire, enjoy and take pride in the beautiful creations of nature, nurtured by humans!

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